Hey I am on the run, but I wanted to put some tips fast you could use to get girls to like you. Enjoy!

Tip #1- Maintain Strong Eye Contact

Nothing is worse than talking to a girl but looking at the floor the whole time. If you do this, I promise you, she will not think it is cute. She will not be attracted to you, and you will not end up hooking up with this girl. Why? You have no self confidence. You are acting as she is going to kill you if you say the wrong thing. If you approach this with a more humorous attitude and take it as a game or learning experience, fear will not be holding you back. Just remember to not turn strong eye contact into the war of the eyeballs, because then that's weird. Always look away occasionally.

Tip #2- Your Voice Expresses Who You Are

Ever saw a real big guy have the puniest voice? Did you honestly just feel like laughing? Most of the time you do, and so do girls. Make sure you always speak up and show some authority. Not because you are a male, but to show that you are up for the challenge and you appreciate her taking the time to stop and talk to you.

Tip #3- Use Your Teeth

No, just don't go in for the kiss! I mean smile. It is the best icebreaker. It shows your compassionate side and allows a female to get closer to you. The mean guy face is not cutting it anymore!